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Smashing your Riding Goals

Setting goals in any aspect of life can be daunting, even more so when they are riding goals. So many factors are outside of our control. How can we best set ourselves up to achieve them? Georgina Steele and her wonderful young horse Flash Gordon aka Wonderhorse Dressage started working with Wise Owl Equitation a … Continue reading “Smashing your Riding Goals”

Fear of falling of my horse – is it rational?

How do you feel about falling? For some riders they never think about it, but for others it can cause crippling fear and anxiety. Jonty Evan’s revealed in his recent Masterclass for the Saddle Club that despite his previous terrible fall, and resulting injury he has no fear of falling, just a fear of getting … Continue reading “Fear of falling of my horse – is it rational?”

5 Tips to prepare for a Live Video Riding Lesson

Having your first live video lesson with a new trainer can be daunting. Will it go ok? Will my horse behave? Will I be able to manage the tech? What if it is a complete disaster??? Well the first piece of good news is that we are so confident that you will  love the experience, … Continue reading “5 Tips to prepare for a Live Video Riding Lesson”

15 Common Dressage Judge Comments Explained

In April Zara Pawley – a top FEI International judge and Trainer held an incredibly informative dressage masterclass for the Wise Owl Equitation Saddle Club.   As part of the session Zara recognised that often the meanings of comments made by judges on test sheets aren’t very clear or understandable to riders. So she  took … Continue reading “15 Common Dressage Judge Comments Explained”

5 Surprising ways life with horses changes after having a baby!

As equestrians we are often better equipped to cope with newborns than most. The reality of having someone relatively helpless rely on us for their survival isn’t new and doesn’t come as quite as much of a shock. For years our horses safety and well being have been a priority. They rely on us to … Continue reading “5 Surprising ways life with horses changes after having a baby!”

5 Reasons why Equestrians don’t enjoy their horses and riding as much as they should

Happy Easter! Spring has well and truly sprung, the days are getting warmer and longer and summer is just around the corner. The memory of the dark cold winter is starting to fade and horse ownership is becoming far more enjoyable again. At this time of year many of us stop questioning why on earth we … Continue reading “5 Reasons why Equestrians don’t enjoy their horses and riding as much as they should”

5 Reasons Why Equestrians Fail To Reach Their Riding Goals

Do you like so many others set yourself a series of challenging goals each New Year? Do you start of in January motivated, excited and driven to achieve those goals? Next thing you know it’s Spring and you can barely remember what goal you set. Or you seem to be a million miles away from … Continue reading “5 Reasons Why Equestrians Fail To Reach Their Riding Goals”

Learning to ride Side Saddle

I first tried side-saddle at a have a go clinic where about three years ago. Immediately I was absolutely hooked. However, I was secretly about 11 weeks pregnant at the time. So, I knew I would have to put it on the back burner for a while. I had my second lesson about a year … Continue reading “Learning to ride Side Saddle”

Growing up in a non-horsey family

Growing up as a pony mad girl in a thoroughly non horsey family certainly presented some challenges when it came to training. From as early as I can remember I was completely obsessed with horses and ponies, one of my earliest memories is refusing to go home in the car with my Grandparents after mass insisting … Continue reading “Growing up in a non-horsey family”

Riding while pregnant

This time 3 years ago my life was very different. I was flying high in the corporate world, had just started a new job in financial services and my life outside of work revolved around my mare April. Riding has always been my sanity, for me there was absolutely no other therapy after a long day at the office than to … Continue reading “Riding while pregnant”